SPRING CHILDREN (for Travel Theme: Youngsters)

dandelion sprays children picked for their mother beyond magical   I do not know what it is with dandelions, but my children just love them.  They pick up the blooms one by one and when their hands are full, they run screaming and proudly offer to me their bounty. 🙂  When that happens, I amContinue reading “SPRING CHILDREN (for Travel Theme: Youngsters)”

FOXGLOVE (for Travel Theme: Fresh)

Pockets full of dreams wrapped around the hands shield against the sting of a broken heart. When I took these photos, the Foxgloves (also known as Digitalis) just bloomed.  The first photo was extra fresh because it was taken just after a rain.  The second one was taken in the afternoon when the sun wasContinue reading “FOXGLOVE (for Travel Theme: Fresh)”


It had ben raining for days.  On Saturday, the day when I took this photo, there was a huge downpour which dampened that Black FLy Festival that was scheduled in Milo that day.  As an aside, I don’t know why they celebrate black flies.  Those spring bugs are nasty.  They  descend on their victim likeContinue reading “TRAVEL THEME: PEACEFUL”

ORCHIDS for TRAVEL THEME: International Women’s Day

In commemoration of International Women’s Day, AILSA prompts us to post pictures that honor women or remind us of special women in our lives. I wanted to post rose pictures knowing that most, if not all women, love roses. Then, I realized that where I came from, there were more orchids than roses. There wasContinue reading “ORCHIDS for TRAVEL THEME: International Women’s Day”


Oceans rise and fall upon her phases’ bidding Oh moon, spellbinding! Good morning to you all.  Ailsa’s prompt this week is MYSTICAL.  I immediately thought of the moon – it has inspired the horrible and the sublime;  fiction and fantasy; arts, poems and music.  It has inspired cults and worship. Who would not be enchantedContinue reading “TRAVEL THEME: MYSTICAL”


  Softly as day turns to night open your wings and take flight to where your blossoms will find rest free of the cares with which your world is pressed then return on that hour blessed. With this post, I am joining AILSA’s Travel Theme:  Soft.  For details about the challenge and  more responses, pleaseContinue reading “TRAVEL THEME: SOFT”


Sometime in late spring in Maine, while my husband and children were desperately trying to pitch a tent, I wandered about  (very helpful of me! 😉  )  looking for neat things to photograph. I chanced upon a funny looking leaf which turned out to be not a leaf when I got to it up-close. ItContinue reading “TRAVEL THEME: ANIMALS”