A lonesome bird sings the evensonghis frantic wings beating towards home.I count my treasures in the darkwhere suggestible senses hold little sway.Moments tumbled through my fingers,flickering shadows danced by candlelight.Would that I could keep only joyful moments;somehow laughter and tears look alike in the lens of time.Could a rose be parted from her thorns andContinue reading “AUTUMNAL”


 I am a bluet a cross is my flower I am of low stature I have no fragrance, nor showy color simplicity is my gift a cross is my flower I am Bluet I am beautiful. I am fascinated by these little flowers that I am taking a lot of pictures of them (while theyContinue reading “BLUETS”


  It is an October morning sunbeams filter through the boughs dew-laden grass glisten inviting me to touch their diamond-tipped blades with my bare feet the hum of birds shield against the morning rush but there I was behind closed doors and glass panes working to be the sunbeam and dew for those I love.