He was approaching. She swooned. He passed her by. She followed, discreetly. He saw her,  and smiled then laughed. She exalted, swooned some more, then blushed – a hanger dangled from her schoolbag. —————————– Except for just one event, this story is true.  🙂 Years ago, when I was much younger, I had a flamingContinue reading “THE STALKER”


I have been meaning to continue the story that began with this post and continued here and here but my family and I  have been mostly in and out this summer that I could not focus on the story.  That I discovered Grimm did not help because I found myself watching its entire season inContinue reading “CAROUSEL – Part 4”


“You must be a writer,” said the email that Imee just received.  “Hmmm, did this, Jack or somebody,  even pay attention to what I wrote?  My  info was  lifted from the Bible.” She thought.   She was not very impressed, to say the least.  However, out of  charity, she typed in a polite response  to Jack.Continue reading “A LOVE STORY”


I wrote this post following a prompt from Studio30+ which was about, you guessed it, Ugly Sweatpants. 🙂 Studio30+ is a community of writers which I stumbled when I read Jester Queen’s post, ‘Show, Don’t Tell’.   To make a story short, I signed up with Studio30+ and found Jester Queen’s post to be very helpful.  I hadContinue reading “THE AMAZING UGLY SWEATPANTS”


Well, I can almost breathe – I am more than half-way through packing.   Tomorrow, we will be on a plane that will bring us halfway across the world.  I am both excited to visit my birth home and  a little intimidated with having antsy kids in a long flight.  There are so many friendsContinue reading “SLEEPING BEAUTY – A RETELLING”


This post continues the story I started for Bloggy Moms and continued in a recent post. THE CAROUSEL – 1 THE CAROUSEL – 2 Thank you for visiting and your comments. 🙂 ___________________________ Abuelo collected a rusty saw hanging from a nail on the wall and went out of the front door where  scraps ofContinue reading “THE CAROUSEL – PART 3”


This post continues THE CAROUSEL.  This is  a response to the challenge posted by SAM for Bloggy Moms Writers’ Workshop for this week – “This week’s prompt is to write what you DON’T know. Add a scene to a work in progress that requires you to do a little research. Write a story from a differentContinue reading “THE CAROUSEL – Part 2”


This piece, a beginning of a story which hopefully, I will be able to continue and finish, was written for Bloggy Moms’ Writers’ Workshop.  The challenge was to  write a response to this picture prompt:  ________________________ Darion straightened up, wiping the sweat pouring down his brow with a grimy arm. He looked up and confirmedContinue reading “THE CAROUSEL”


“Please be careful.” Jessica begged her husband. “Don’t worry. I’d be collecting harvest leftovers this time. They’d only wilt and decay otherwise. This should not be too risky.” Peter replied, shuddering at the remembrance of the nearly fatal run a week ago. He slung his sack over his shoulders and cast a look upon theirContinue reading “THE FOOD GATHERER”