a butterfly
cavorting in endless summers

a deer drinking spring waters
soon sprinting away from danger

a worm ever struggling
in darkness

I am

in this dream

my exile

holding on to hope –

I will   awake at the appointed hour

and  live   eternal life.

It is Quadrille Monday in Dverse Poets’ Pub and De, Whimzygizmo, invites folks to write a 44 word poem using the word “Dream”.  I invite you to join in the fun by linking your 44 words and/or simply checking out the works of talented writers. 🙂

Today is a holy day for us, this being the Feast of the Assumption.  The significance of the feast for me is a source of inspiration for this poem.

I am also joining Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge which this week is about any topic.  These pictures were from yesterday while I was walking around, keeping my toddler company.  I saw a clump of oregano in the field and decided to take random pictures of the flowers until I realized that it was a haven for this type of tiny butterfly.  I remember trying to focus on three butterflies until my boy’s impatient hands grabbed the leaves where the butterflies were perched.  Oh well.

Happy Tuesday. 🙂

28 thoughts on “MY DREAM

      1. Sometimes we do need other eyes to look at our poetry especially that which comes from our hearts. I know I often will read a comment and go wow….I actually wrote that!

      2. So true. It is in this light that I get to appreciate DVerse group a lot. What a wonderful group of people it has. Thanks for the help with your comments. 🙂

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