Lets Talk
It will be interesting to know what birds tell each other when they find themselves perched on the same branch. 🙂

A dialogue lets souls see
they have more in common
than what the surface
lets them see.

Sparrow Chat
Do they make a comment about the weather in their bird way, or where to find the worm? Do they settle their own quarrels. 🙂

I learned about PAINT THE WORLD WITH WORDS through Brenda’s FRIENDLY FAIRY TALES.(her blog has lovely haibun, and fairy tales, of course!)  The former runs poetry challenges and this week, the challenge is to write a NAANI, a poem with 4 lines and 20-25 syllables.


Happy Saturday to all.  Thank you for coming by.

14 thoughts on “DIALOGUE

  1. This is amazing! I liked your Naani poem, this spoke to me like brilliance! I think you so aptly conveyed the true purpose of speech and communication here! I agree with your thought! Thank you for your participation!

    Regards 🙂

  2. I love this, the photos, the poem and the speculation. And thanks for the shout out!! I never even got a ping about it. I just swung by because I hadn’t seen your site up close in a while. Cheers, Brenda

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