Australian birds
This is a pair of birds that are native to Australia. They are on exhibit at the Roger Williams Zoo in Providence, RI. They have loud cries – we heard their call long before we got to their cage.  Do you know what they are?  Somehow, between the heat and the children, my attention to details such as names of zoo animals disappeared. 🙂



21 thoughts on “WPC: PARTNERS

    1. Thanks, Joanne. Now that you gave me the name, I am wondering how I could have forgotten. When I first read about this bird from my toddler’s board book, the name immediately made an impression. I am glad to see a real life kookabura but sad about the circumstances the birds are in.

  1. Amazing to have Australian birds over there. What a shot, Imelda. So well timed. They look so cozy and so into each other. Maybe they were making those sounds to tell each other they love each other 😂💜

    1. I don’t know how the birds survive during the colder seasons.

      I guess being together in a limited space day in and day out left them without a choice but to be cozy with each other. Ah, pardon the hint of sarcasm but I am a little sad about them being in a cage like that.

  2. You’ve already gotten your answer, but: kookaburras! I lived in Australia for two years, and I love their song. The magpies were my favorite to listen to, though the North American magpies have prettier feathers 🙂

    1. Thanks for taking time to comment. 🙂 I now have to go see some Magpie photos. I hear the name but am not familiar with the bird. 🙂

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