Nah, I do not have photos of grand scenery and landscapes.  Rather, I have pictures of roses, one of my absolute favorite flowers.   They are always beautiful and captivating.  They are even more so when they are given by someone with much love and thought.


Roses 3


The past weeks had been a busy one for my husband what with work piling up.  We hardly had time to chat at night after  the children are all in bed.  He just had to do his work which at this time of the academic year is piling up.  At around this time, my stress level goes up too because, perhaps, I have less help around the house, and simply because, I am me. 🙂



One evening, he came home with a box of chocolates and this bouquet of roses.  He wanted to cheer me up.    In years past, I would dry the flowers he gave me and keep them as souvenirs.  I stopped doing that when my containers started to fill up with old and dusty dried flowers.  Now, I found a way to preserve  these lovely souvenirs efficiently – through pictures and some nice blog post. 😉

Roses2So, with this little entry, I am honoring the love and kindness and the man who has kept me enchanted and captivated. 🙂

For more CAPTIVATING posts, please visit Jake’s page.  Just click this cool badge:

 Now Jake, I am finally able to use your new badge. 🙂

Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday to you all.



  1. How very sweet! We all need some chocolates and roses sometimes. Warmest blessings to you and your wonderful family! You guys are taking of each other very well! Hugs, Sharon

  2. Imelda that is so nice! What a beautiful way to show your appreciation. You have obviously captivated him too.
    Such a delicate shade- what variety are those? My mum loved them.

  3. Beautiful interpretation for this week topic Imelda, Thanks for sharing the gentlemen`s secret 🙂

  4. good on hubs for taking care of you…smiles…they are beautiful…and its def good to remember that when it gets tough for one of us…its probably getting tough for both….

  5. A beautiful shade of roses…how thoughtful of your hubby, specially when it’s just another ordinary day ~ I also stopped drying my roses upside down, too dusty 🙂

    Good morning to you ~


  6. How sweet for your husband! I did the exact same thing–I used to dry flowers and keep them, until I realized that photographs and blogging do an even better job of preserving the beauty and sentiments of gifted flowers. These roses are indeed lovely; their colors are magnificent!

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