Pebbles and cobbles
pinecones and sticks,
these are treasures
a little boy keeps.

He would teeter and totter
walking forested paths,
he holds them more tightly
closer to his heart.

Then, at night, before he sleeps
he counts the treasures
his little heart keeps.

The poem is inspired by my boys who love to pick up random things to bring home and keep (until I complain because they end up filling theirs and my storage boxes and shelves).  “Cobble” is a word I do not use except in reference to a cobbler, or a dessert, or even cobblestones.   Even then, the term only comes very rarely in my head.  I do not go to a cobbler, cobbler is not my dessert of choice, and there are no cobblestones in places I go.  I have to consult dear old Miriam W.  for meaning and usage.  Among other things, cobble is a stone whose measurements lie between a pebble’s and a boulder’s.  All this new knowledge I thank De Jackson for  giving “Cobble” as the word to use for this week’s DVerse’s Quadrille prompt.

20 thoughts on “TREASURES

  1. love the way you used the word and created this most endearing poem, it take me back to when my boys did the same. they also brought back bugs! as pets! most beautiful poem Imelda of memories a mother holds so dear.

    1. ah.. thanks for sharing your memories, too. 🙂 ah…bugs! One time, we brought a cricket from Maine to our home here in MA. We managed to keep the cricket alive in a big jar for a week. The boys dutifully fed it leaves and blades of grass. Even then, the cricket did not last long. Maybe, it died of loneliness. 😦 Another summer, the older boys brought home caterpillars in a big yogurt container. I put my foot down on earthworms though.

      1. HAHA! I got those thoughtful gifts too, and could never show my distaste, boys are such warm hearted souls. thank you for sharing this lovely bit of your beautiful kids Imelda, they must get their curiosity and vivacity from you!

  2. oh wow this just made me smile, the music of this quadrille pulled me right along. I am reminded of a friend who said that when she was young her mom found a whole box of snails under her bed. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for sharing that memory and for dropping by.
      I would have freaked out if I were the mother of your friend. Children children! there is no telling what ‘silly’ things they will find important enough to keep. 🙂

  3. Ohmygosh! Such wonderful memories here! BOTH of my kids (one boy, one girl) would fill pockets when they were little. I would find the most interesting collections there. This is just wonderful.

  4. Pebbles and pine cones are wonderful treasures (in moderation of course). The size definition of cobble (between a pebble and a boulder) is interesting.

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