Pear blossomsGrass swished as Thunder and I walked across the yard. Dew sparkled under the early May morning sun. Thunder dragged me towards the apple and pear orchard and headed for the nearest tree trunk to water. The trees have just started to bloom.  A long harsh winter  delayed spring in Maine.

I did not want to be here in my in-laws’ place. I wished I were at home to see the peonies and Clematis that I planted in bloom. Ordinarily, this kind of visit should not be a big deal. However, every year for two weeks, we make this trip to Maine (in addition to the summer and Christmas visits which last just as long). Sometimes, I resent these trips. What’s the point of planting and nurturing when I cannot even enjoy flowery rewards? There I was, right after the thaw, counting the buds shooting from the ground like a fussy mother. Each day, I would check their progress and delight at each new bud, only to be denied their blooms.

I saw the apple blossoms above me, white and pure in the sun. I saw the blooming dogwood trees, deep pink against the new greens. Across the yard, the lilac buds were purple and plump, preparing to open in the next few days. What beauties! I never had the chance to be this close, everyday, to these flowering trees. In some ways, I lost some things I love to appreciate other things.

Planting a garden
leaving before flowers bloom
learning detachment


I stayed under a flowering pear tree for a few minutes, listened to the buzz of the bees, watched the flowers sway in the breeze while Thunder sniffed on the grass. Already, some flowers are dying. How soon they faded. Even if we fight it, nature always takes its course. Things live, and grow, and die. Flowers, seasons, feelings, people – they all go at their appointed time. The boughs quivered, and petals brushed on my skin on their way down.

White petals falling
pollen-heavy bees buzzing
apples in autumn.

Dogwood and bee

For DVERSE POETS’ PUB’s Meeting the Bar – the Haibun.

22 thoughts on “MEDITATIONS UNDER AN APPLE TREE (for DVerse)

  1. The pear blossoms look similar to apple blossoms, to me–but I’m not hardly an expert on plants/trees. Imelda, I have a little treat for you on Sunday…..

    1. Neither am I, so chances are, I mixed up the names of the flowers. I am not sure about the names of the first flowers and third but I do know that the second set of flowers are apple flowers because I see apples in that tree in autumn. 🙂

  2. Such beauties they are – frail and delicate then dying all too soon ~ Spring is such a beautiful season still after the long winter ~ Have a lovely weekend Imelda ~

  3. mmm, okay, lovely pics…and i love the blossoms…the line in this that will stick with me though is the losing of things you love to appreciate other things….that is not an easy truth….nicely played…

  4. It felt as if I was there with you Imelda and had the same feelings as well. I used to resent these ‘family’ trips as well and never enjoyed it and finally I refused and told hubby he can go but I am tired of being hurt and spending money on people who doesn’t deserve it and that was the end.

    These are amazing shots and such beautiful blossoms. You’ve captured them so well! 😀

    1. Am I being naughty is I say “Yey! I am not the only one keen about family trips like this!” 😀

      Thank you very much for the kind words, Sonel. 🙂

  5. Imelda, so nice to see you here! I did my first haibun (maybe second) this week for dVerse, too. I could smell the flowers and since we go on vacation every year, there are often flowers I don’t see. I don’t usually have a garden because I can’t find anyone to water it faithfully while we’re gone. I know that pain. Beautifully written and lovely photos.


    1. Oh, I missed your post in the linky. I was visiting blogs at random because I just can’t read all. I am glad you participated in DVERSE. You should be there more often, Janet.

      Thank you for coming by. 🙂

      1. I am very impressed, Janet. You are the ideal community member. At one time, the Pub contemplated closing because there are those who just link up and does not socialize, so to speak. Happily, the Pub Team decided otherwise.

        I’ll try to make more effort this summer when I am not as busy as when school is on. It will be good to see other styles of work. 🙂

      2. I’m currently not doing my Friday Fictioneers writing each week because it was getting to take too much time. I want to spend time outside while it’s nice and I have plenty work to do around the house and yard. But I love blogging, the socializing and the opportunities to learn. Just have to find the right balance.

      3. It’s nice to be able to step away like that, it keeps one from being overwhelmed. Sometimes, it’s almost a compulsion for me to look at the prompts (and there are already at least two for DVerse per week) and to not link only when I can’t think of a response. That does make it difficult to catch up with so many blogs and other things.

        On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 10:06 PM, MY WALL wrote:


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